Mr. Lincoln’s High-Tech War. By Thomas B. Allen and Roger MacBride Allen. 4 CDs. 4 hrs. AudioGO. 2013. ISBN 978-1-62460-216-0. $29.95.
Gr 5 Up–The well-researched book (National Geographic, 2009) presents our 16th President’s acceptance and use of technology during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln believed in using as many new inventions as possible to help the North win the war and preserve theUnion. He used telegraphs to learn about troop movements and keep generals in check, while railroads helped move troops to vital areas under attack. Ironclads, new types of guns and ammunition, were developed and supported byLincolnas were hot-air surveillance balloons. The South was unable to use certain guns that they captured because they lacked the knowledge to produce the ammunition. ThroughLincoln’s support of new technology, the Civil War became the first modern war, and the authors prove this point with their impeccable research and presentation of facts. Fred Sullivan’s narration maintains listeners’ interest and conveys the excitement of the times. While the book’s maps and artwork are not included (have the volume handy for students to peruse), the narration makes all the information understandable. A great tool for history classes studying the Civil War.–Sarah Flood,BreckinridgeCountyPublic Library,Hardinsburg,KY
Pick of the Day: Mr. Lincoln’s High Tech War (Audio)